The Art Of Balance


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This is a trip long over due. Actually this is not a trip at all it is a real, REAL vacation. Little bits has rocked out this past school year and when given a few different options for what she would like for her “well done” she opted for a Mother Daughter vaca to the beach. I had to hold back my excitement because this is about her but seriously? This is a win win. Not only do I get some one on one time with my boo but she wants to spent this time at the beach? Man we have raised this one beautifully, LOL!

Just over 3 hours and we arrive. I have a  dear friend who lives about 300 feet from the water on the Eastern coast line. I had been dying to visit her and her new pad and our children are the same age…so this whole vaca was coming together perfectly. In the house and unpacked by 3pm we hit the beach. I absolutely love the water. It takes me to my happy place… well I am almost always in my happy place but you know what I mean. My happy and relaxed chill out the world is in slow motion place. I met all my friends girlfriends and I just could not be happier for her. At our age, and simply being woman… can be very difficult to make deep meaningful friendships with other woman. My girl has found her home and it’s awesome. Her friends are col as heel and I can tell they love her. They welcomed me into the inner circle and made me feel welcome. After dinner we headed back to the beach where we all sat in a  circle and shared stories and the kids splashed and played in the smooth as glass shallow waters.

Night time came and the house grew still. I curled into bed with boo and drifted off with my little human teddy bear in my arms. These are those moments that as a Mother, I will cherish.

We could not have picked a better weekend to do this. The weather is beyond perfect. 88 highs, 68 lows and no clouds. Walking away from my computer for even a day is tough for me. I am not sure if that sounds pathetic or not but as you guys know, I love what I do. I enjoy being connected and really enjoy working on my site and building new “things” for you viewing and learning pleasure *wink*. It is however essential and I am learning with maturity that 48 hours unplugged is healthy. We are headed out for a sushi lunch and then hitting the beach for some more swimming and chilling. We head out tomorrow for a few more hour road trip North to pick up our new baby (puppy)… the other part of the reward for excellent grades:)


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