Happy Father’s Day


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Father – male person who begets children  ( dictionary version)

That has to be the weakest and most hardened definitions I have ever read. Defining ones role as a man based in that above pathetic description would be great cause for concern for our society.  There are those who fit the above perimeters but we are not here today to celebrate them. We are ere today to celebrate Dad’s. Every child who has a Dad has their own definition of what that means. For some, Dad is the guy who makes them feel safe, who tucks them in at night and kisses your forehead as you fall asleep. For others Dad helps with homework and made sure you were prepared for college and that when the time came you could afford to go. He is the guy who taught you how to ride your bike, catch a fish, make a volcano that won at the science fair, took you to the movies, taught you right from wrong and was your loudest fan in the bleechers as you ran your race or threw the winning touchdown pass. And for those of us really really lucky souls Dad is one of your best friends.

My Dad and I had our differences but at our core we were ridiculously similar. I am grateful for this because he was a brilliant, vibrant loving man. He did the best he could with what he was given. Even in the hardest of times I knew he loved me. Dad’s teach us life lessons that prepare us for what is out there. For the years I had him here with me he certain taught me what I needed to know to get by n this world. Not just to get by actually but to prevail and find great success and happiness. For that Dad I thank you….and will see you again some day.

Celebrate your Dad today. Give him a hug and make sure he knows how much you appreciate him…not just for what he does but who he is. And Dad’s, don’t let a day go by that you don’t realize the enormous power you have to help your children to be happy fabulous people. Love them for who they are, take pride in the unique little beings that you have created. Just love them and give them security. Best job (other than being a Mom) is being someone’s Dad.


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