A little rant, don’t mind me:)


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If I have to sit through any more TV programs talking about Brittney Spears I am going to puke! I am not going to go on a rant about it but come on, really, is this the shit the American public is wanting to waste there time sitting on their asses watching? Ok so if you’re life sucks and your feeling bad about yourself, I can see why watching a few minutes of this crap will make you fell better about being you. But the reality, none of us know the TRUTH! I mean damn have any of you spent 5 minutes with this woman in the privacy of her own home with her children? NO you have not so how can you possibly jump on some “get Brit bandwagon” not knowing the reality. We only know what the media and SHE feeds us. Is this all a publicity stunt? Is she really in trouble? Is everything blown out of proportion? We may never know but crossing over to say Brit may be on her way to being the next Anna Nicole is fucking ridiculous. One has nothing to do with the other. We, the average non- Hollywood individuals, will never know the pressures and or lifestyles those people live. Nor do I really want to. But never the less I think it is about time we tell the media we have had enough of the circus courtroom drama and rehab updates by turning the junk OFF! PLEASE tell me there are intelligent happy well adjusted people out there who do not have the time or desire to be sucked into the stupid drama. I know they are in the lime light and famous and all that but they are people too and deserve some sort of privacy. Then again I may be alone in my thought. Ok back to making naughty videos, now that is something to “fill my time with” LOL!



PS – camz show Saturday at 11AM

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