a little rant………..


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Amazing to me how many people live their lives in such a small and angular box. From time to time I hear the old sermon from some arrogant person thinking their way is the only way and that God has drawn a very concise line in the book of life (which I beg to differ, but again we shall all see in due time) between the right way and the way that works for you. The funny thing is…..I don’t preach. I am living my life my way, mine and Michael’s way, and we are happy. My little family of three is striving and happy which to me is success. I may be the only one who believes this as well, but I feel that as a friend and or family member I am to love my friends and family for who they are not necessarily what they do. How boring this wrld would be if we were all little clones. I am glad I am not, never have been and never will be! I am the same person many of you have always known. Now you find out I am not living the way YOU would want and you are dazed confused and can’t be my friend or family? Shame on you. Many of those who scream and yell their judgments at me are themselves miserable and living with so much guilt and resentment towards who knows what. I suppose it is easier to judge me than to look into their own lives. I applaud anyone who finds happiness in this crazy world we live in. Ok well almost anyone. Anyway I am off to live my life…have an awesome day and go have some fun!



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