What a hottie!


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I was out and about doing some errands and getting enjoying the gorgeous weather. I was dropping some mail off at the post office and needed to get stamps. I was minding my own business when I saw from the corner of my eye this incredibly sexy man looking my way. Our eyes met and we smiled a slight smile as to say “hi”. I did not think much more of it, thought I admit he was a seriously handsome man, and bought my stamps and went out to my car. As I was getting into my car I heard, “nice day to have a convertible” I looked and it was him. I actually started to blush and said “it is absolutely perfect, this is my favorite time of year.” A little small talk was made and he went into his wallet to get a business card. He said if I ever needed any help in his area of expertise to call him. With that he walked away. Grrrrrrrrrrrr I may need to call him next week. I will let you know how he was able to “help” me:)

Today was just awesome. After all my running around I went over to a girlfriends house and they took E and I out to dinner for an early Birthday gift. We went to PF Changs, man I love that place. The food was awesome and the company even better. Everyone went back to their house and we made popcorn and watched a few movies…all after playing outside for a few hours in the warm sun. Today, Sunday, Michael and I and E are all going to the park. it is 80 again and being outside is so invigorating! Pizza for dinner and when little bits is down for the night, I am having Michael for desert!


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