What a day, and soon to be night!


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The countdown is on! I have my second cam show tonight and I am excited to know that a few of my special friends will be watchingJ I have been excited all day! The only bummer is that I planned on doing it with Michael but he had to go out of town for a meeting. That is ok though, I will get him on next week. And you never know who after that?!

Today was an excellent day. E and I had a slumber party last night and watched movies really late. We slept in this morning and took our time getting out of bed. Once up and moving we went to Starbucks for our morning beverage and then off to Petsmart. Her lizard needed crickets. We decided to go the zoo after that and then out for lunch. Once home we played outside in our bathing suits and washed Mommy’s filthy car. The dog got a bath too, bonus!

I hope you all enjoy the show and I look forward to hearing the feedback. I did not hit the gym today, I figured tonight’s show would be my cardio:) Have a great Night and go be naughty!


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