Party day….not what you may think *wink*


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What a weekend! Mine started on Thursday night. I went to the club on Thursday and again Friday night. I am actually considering doing it again this coming week. I did not think I had it in me but man was it fun. Certainly not something I can do often but if and when I fell the urge I am going for itJ I met some really fantastic people that I hope come in again real soon…..Thanks guys for a great time (you know who you are!)

Saturday we all slept in and stayed on the sofa watching cartoons and the discovery channel. We are all so busy and on the go during the week that Saturday is official relax and recoup day. Today we did a few errands and celebrated E’s “becoming a big girl party”. She has been talking about for weeks how badly she wants to be big. So Michael and I prepared a party for her with cake and all. She wore a tiara and learned about her new “big girl” responsibilities. She now earns an allowance to pay for her toys and has to keep up her room and feed all the animals. She is glowing with excitement about being considered a big girl and it fills us with pride. I gave her a gift card for Target to teach her about money and how fast it goes…….I took her up tonight and she bought 2 toys and has a few dollars left, she is already a bargain shopper🙂

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and I will chat more tomorrow🙂



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