Labor Day!


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After a disappointing weekend from the sex standpoint, Michael and I have made up for itJ One thing in this life we can count on is each other. The party was a failure; however we did hear back from two the couples saying they would really like to “see” us alone sometime soon. Some people are group shy and that is certainly understandable.

We received and e-mail from a women we had worked with last year regarding a home we were interested in. We wanted to sell our property first so the timing was off. The lot sold last week and Michael and I were just talking about going back to that neighborhood to look again. This morning we got a note from her stating they had new homes that are just now being built and have great incentives……I hope this is the big one. As much as I love our home, I do not like living so far from the city. I guess it is true; you can take the girl out of the city but not the city out of the girl! I hope you all had an excellent weekend…



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