Holy backache Batman!


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Yesterday and today’s entry’s are going to mess a bit…I am not sure when one ended and one beganL I had the oddest night. I was cruising along getting caught up on some work and chatting with friends and at about midnight or just before I got really sleepy. I went into the bedroom to go to bed and I think I did. At least for a bit. At 3AM I woke up to the worst back pain I have ever had. The other morning I woke with a sore back but chalked it off to a bad mattress. Well if that is the case I am throwing the bitch away today. I have nit been able to sleep at all no matter what I try; the floor, bed, E’s bed nor the sofa! I have had insomnia before but never not able to sleep due to back pain. Could I Have hurt myself during an intense orgasm? Hmmmmmm. I will keep you posted, I am going into the Dr. this AM.

I am hoping to go the club this week but if I am not healed and fixed up I will not be. I am pretty sure that I can find plenty to do while resting up on my back*wink* Actually this may work out just great🙂 Thanks to all who made camz it was a blast and I look forward to next week….



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