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Well well all, how are we today? I am doing fine thanks for asking🙂 Actually oddly so I am a wee bit exhausted and I do not know why? I hate that because as most of you know I am a pretty energetic individual. I do not like feeling like I am dragging and I just can not seem to pick my butt off the ground. I had a super morning at E’s school. I spent 3 hours there helping with some 100th day of school projects. The kids in E’s class are so fun and it was super spending time with her in her environment. The other Moms are fantastic and E could not have a better teacher. I really think the world of her as dos E and it shows in her progress.

I got to the office and the CPA was waiting for me and away the day went. Cam was a blast. A few new viewers and a different spin on my “norm” as far as theme goes. Thanks for the suggestion afurdude🙂 Have a great day all and I am off to go get boo from school and then I may just may take a nap🙂



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