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Today was the epitome of how my life works! I got up this morning and got E to her play date. I had a business meeting at 9AM sharp and was dressed very corporate. My cam show started at 11AM so off came the business suit and away went the hot steamy sexcpade. After cam show I put on my sundress, freshened up and took off for my PTA meeting at E’s school. Some of you may say “now that is fucked up” I say, “I love my life”. Today was the perfect example of how I handle my multi-faceted life.

I know many do not understand how I do it. How can you be a Mom and CFO and seen as a conservative woman to the un knowing public? I say easy…that is who I am. I do not change who I am in different situations, I am always me. But I do believe there is a time and a place for everything (almost everything)! I hope you all have a great day, I am off to get baby girl ready for her first day of Kindergarten!



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