At my desk!


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Good afternoon all! Today is a work day….all day. Yesterday was amazing. E and I went all out for girl’s day. We started off the day with a huge breakfast. Then off to the mall for a little shopping, she has out grown EVERYTHING! It was a blast. Starbuck’s and then lunch. We went, at her request, to get our nails done. She adores the owners of the salon because they absolutely love her. They are the Grandparents she NEVER had. We chilled there for a bit and then off to the park. It was a hot day so going in the late afternoon made it more tolerable. The swings were worn out and the sand box destroyed so it was time to go:)J Dinner was picked up and we went home and made dinner together. When Michael got home E and I had dinner ready for him. She was so proud and he was so tickled. After she went down for bed Michael and I caught up on the day and made love until we literally passed out. Today gets a 10 on the scale, 10 being perfection!


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