We made it!!!!!!!!!!


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I do love Friday’s! Ok so I got some really good news today. After spending 3 hours at the Dr’s office I found out I am a candidate for Lasik. I have wanted this for years now and it appears to be happening. I will only be down for 1 day! The only reason I will be down is I am not allowed to stare at a computer screen the day I get the surgery…otherwise I would not be down at all. The Dr made me promise to behave and stay off line for 24 hours:( I promised so I will. I am getting it next Thursday and the the following week I am off to NY for imurders premier:) I get to do the red carpet and everything. I will be sure to fill you in on those details later. imurders has a myspace page you can check out: imurders

Have a great weekend and I hope to hear a bunch of juicy details:) Camz show next week Wednesday at 7PM!


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