Love and affection……………


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Let’s start this entry on the right note. I had some amazing loving last night. The family was up until about 8:45PM hanging out having couch time and watching cartoons. I love couch time, we always learn new things from and about our little girl. She is so smart and witty. To be able to preserve that open, creative and sweet thing she is… breaks my heart that the world is going to do everything to try and squash her into conformity and try to make her be what THEY want. They will have a battle getting her….just like her Mommy and Daddy she beats to her own drum……THANK GOD! So we put her to bed and Michael and I are up talking about recent events. I get so worked up and excited about this opportunity that the psychos have given us. Oh, on a side note. I know who you are my little diary entry friend. Real smart to give the info out you did….you gave me perfect evidence for endangerment charges. I am so glad you don’t have much confidence in my abilities….I found youJ Funny that the ones that think I am putting people in harm are the very ones inflicting it! This will be fun…….OK back to the sexy stuff…..E is sleeping and the house is peaceful…..we are getting worked up and into our conversation….bam clothes start flying. I am talking the scene from 91/2 weeks when they first get it on. The bedroom looks like a clothes tornado came through. The crazy passion slowed down and the motions became very purposeful and soft. The amount of love and affection was enough to bring me to tears. I am the luckiest woman alive to have the most fulfilling love, what I feel for this man is not describable. The key to ones happiness is in the palm of their hands. Choose freedom my friends and live true to who you are….the rest is easy. My thoughts, prayers and thanks go out to our Courageous Military for fighting on foreign grounds for our freedom, know my dear friends and supporters that I am on home soil fighting for those same freedoms. Thank you Mr. Flynt for laying the path and fighting for what you believe!


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